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Daniel Kozak and I collaborated for the Romanian Pavilion at the 58th Biennale di Venezia as I commissioned him to lead the PR and communication efforts of the project. Daniel has a rare combination of qualities: he is very well educated, composed and kind, and his professional skills are impressive for developing online campaigns and managing high-stress and high-stakes projects.

Elvira Lupșa
Art Producer
UNICAT art agency

verbatim: Testimonials

They say key is key in music. And I came to the conclusion that Daniel was key in our work to promote cultural events, public appearances and press conferences.*

Simona Neumann
Timisoara 2021

A man of his word. It is a rare quality and a phrase that I have chosen to describe Daniel because I know that he considers himself a man of letters. He is also an adviser who will not tell you what to do, but will help you weigh your options and will put the chosen solution into practice. I appreciate his discipline and the cleanliness of the professional relationship built on the basis of the right distance, on generosity and continuous back-and-forth exchange of information.*

Vava Stefanescu
Choreographer, Manager

Daniel Kozak is a communications professional with years of World Bank experience who blends creativity with efficiency to deliver well-told and targeted messages, both in writing and video.

Stephanie Slewka
Producer / Writer

verbatim: Testimonials

Daniel is a creative communication professional well-versed working both independently and in multicultural teams. […] he singlehandedly organised several visual arts exhibitions in our Bucharest office, giving visibility to local artists, and contributing to a nicer overall work environment.

Elisabetta Capannelli
Country Manager
World Bank

During my time as project manager for the Timisoara 2021, I collaborated on all projects with Daniel Kozak, who was the communications director, for everything we were developing and promoting. His contribution was essential: thinking through a customised plan for our events, and negotiating the outcome from the visibility perspective, including actual partnerships and media agreements. Bottom line, he had a noticeable positive impact in terms of visibility and organisational reputation

Ioana Anghel
Cultural Manager

Daniel is charismatic and cheery, an open and well-structured person who is a joy to work with or share a beer, or do both. When I first met him, I was impressed with his diplomatic easiness. He was working with the World Bank when he personally called me to suggest a collaboration. Many other collaborations followed and this is how Daniel became the only person whom I trusted enough to give him the spare key to my workshop. He singlehandedly managed and organised many exhibitions of my work, when my presence was not possible. Daniel is a passionate promoter of visual arts and theatre.*

Otilia Cadar
Visual Artist

verbatim: Testimonials

During his short, but inspiring stay at our Center, Daniel was involved in developing and running our regional media projects targeting the Western Balkans. That was back in early 2000 and the task was really tough: the freedom of media. Needless to say that it was a really challenging job that required many of his skills. His approach to fulfil his mission was unique, as it combined cultural diplomacy, highly effective communication ability and a simple, yet powerful way to make words work. Be curious and ask him how he does it!

Ilona Mihaies
Executive President
Euroregional Center for Democracy

Daniel is a communicator. He was born with the skills and he has nurtured them over years of study and practice.

Tic Nica
Head of Data
Advantage Smollan

Daniel is extremely charming, very much people-oriented, with an off-the-charts aesthetic sense and social intelligence; I enjoyed working with him a lot.

Mihaela Iftimus
EMEA Compensations & Benefits Analyst 

verbatim: Testimonials

Daniel has coordinated the press conference for the book I co-authored, and he did so with high professionalism, showing an eye for detail and a good capacity of grasping different media communication needs.

Andra Aldea-Löppönen
Project Manager
Jyväskylä University of Applied Sciences

For the perfectionist in Daniel, things are serious, but he has the necessary social brightness to take himself serious as much as needed in order to make any effort look effortless, to overcome all limits and to keep every promise.*

Irina Dobanda

Daniel came recommended as a highly promising, talented Journalism student at the beginning of the 1990s. Once he joined my team, which produced the programme Noi înşine — “Ourselves”, a glorifying, challenging, and ambitios title — I had the certainty that meeting him was like a palindrome anniversary: 11, 22, 33, 44, etc. How many such encounters can we hope for in a lifetime and, moreover, how many such encounters do we actually get? He is a rare gem indeed!*

Aida Voștinaru
Radio Timisoara

verbatim: Testimonials

Give syllables to Daniel and he will give back stories. Give him water and he will give back forests. Give him smiles and he will give back brightness.

Sorin Tranca
Managing Partner

verbatim: Testimonials

It was a privilege to work with Daniel for Timisoara 2021. His deep understanding of the complexities of the project, broad knowledge of the art world, as well as his strategic approach, allowed the organisation to project a fresh and professional image. A colleague once, a friend forever.

Ovidiu Dajbog-Miron
Territory Manager
Timisoara 2021

verbatim: Testimonials


* citate originale în română

„Tonul face muzica. Iar Daniel face tonul, asta ar fi o concluzie simplă pe care am tras-o lucrând împreună pentru promovarea evenimentelor culturale, aparițiilor publice și de presă.” – Simona Neumann, director executiv, Timișoara 2021
„Un om de cuvânt, calitate rară și sintagmă pe care o aleg pentru că știu că el se consideră mai degrabă un om al cuvintelor, și un sfătuitor care nu-ți spune ce să faci, ci te ajută să-ți evaluezi opțiunile și pune în practică soluția aleasă. Am apreciat disciplina și igiena relației profesionale construite pe distanța corectă, generozitate și informarea reciprocă continuă.” – Vava Ștefănescu, coregraf, manager CNDB
„Daniel este o persoană carismatică și jovială. Un om deschis și bine structurat, împreună cu care este o plăcere să lucrezi, sau să bei o bere, sau să le faci pe amândouă. Prima oară când l-am cunoscut am rămas impresionată de naturalețea diplomatică care îl reprezintă. Pe atunci lucra la World Bank și mi-a telefonat personal ca să propună o colaborare. Au urmat multe altele și uite așa Daniel a ajuns să fie singura persoană în care am avut încredere să îi dau dublura cheii de la atelier. De multe ori s-a ocupat singur de tot managementul și organizarea unor expoziții, eu nefiind prezentă. Daniel este un împătimit promotor al artelor vizuale și al teatrului.” – Otilia Cadar, artist vizual
„Pentru Daniel, perfecționistul, lucrurile sunt serioase, dar a avut inteligența socială necesară să se ia în serios cât trebuie pentru ca efortul să nu pară efort, limitele să fie depășite și promisiunile ținute.” – Irina Dobândă, sociolog
„Mi-a fost recomandat ca student (la Jurnalism) promițător de talentat. Asta se întâmpla pe la începutul anilor 90. Imediat ce a intrat în echipa mea, echipa emisiunii Noi înșine, un titlu-generic onorant, provocator, ambițios, am avut certitudinea că întâlnirea cu el este ca o aniversare palindrom: 11, 22, 33, 44 șamd. La câte putem spera într-o viață și, mai ales, câte ajungem a le trăi? Așadar, bob rar!” – Aida Voștinaru, jurnalist, Radio Timișoara

verbatim: Text
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